>> who is sara johnsons?

sara is one of c█████e's childhood friends! she is two years older though, she is one of the important characters in Unusual High

sara johnsons

birthday: 21.07.84
aliases: sarah(diff spelling)
status: alive
ethnicity: korean
likes:gyaru, maths, makeup, music, titties
dislikes: bugs, getting stared at, odourous smells


growing up, Sara was rather a shy kid. two of her parents were immigrants and they somehow went to USA, as a young child she met c█████e. they were both best friends however that could not last when c█████e 'randomly' stopped talking to her. her whole life she thought that they hated her, that does not mix well that she has abandonment issues and she was later diagnosed with depression in the later years. she was considered as the stubborn and boring kid


sara is a kind, loyal and 'honest' young woman. she is known to be a fashionable and like a valley girl, some may find her fashion style weird if they don't know what GYARU is. she tends to make cheesy jokes too! sara is the mom friend